Articles in English
This entity is a private club founded by Natalia Kardash with the aim to provide a platform for her personal business network to meet online or offline on a regular basis. The Club organises and supports events, workshops, presentations, get-togethers, seminars, conferences, etc. CONCEPT The Club members brainstorm innovative ideas and solutions, discuss inventions and progress on current and forthcoming developments, gain insight about the business community and news both about Cyprus and internationally.There are three club bodies: Cyprus Business…
At the heart of the world’s digital activity are the everyday services and applications that produce unimaginable quantities of user activity and associated data. Big Tech companies have quite the influence over our lives. That influence is becoming difficult to ignore, and draws increasing media and political attention. One tangible measure of this influence is the massive amount of revenue Big Tech companies bring in. To get a better sense of this, we can look at Big Tech’s revenue generating…
A blockchain is a decentralised ledger of facts, replicated across several computers assembled in a peer-to-peer network. Facts can be anything from monetary transactions to content signature. Members of the network are anonymous individuals called nodes. All communication inside the network takes advantage of cryptography to securely identify the sender and the receiver. When a node wants to add a fact to the ledger, a consensus forms in the network to determine where this fact should appear in the ledger;…
Like all forms of technology, blockchain has several advantages and disadvantages to consider. ADVANTAGES One major advantage of blockchains is the level of security it can provide, and this also means that blockchains can protect and secure sensitive data from online transactions. For anyone looking for speedy and convenient transactions, blockchain technology offers this as well. In fact, it only takes a few minutes, whereas other transaction methods can take several days to complete. There is also no third-party interference…
Blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are constantly and continually growing as blocks are being added to the chain, which significantly adds to the security of the ledger. There have been many attempts to create digital money in the past, but they have always failed. The prevailing issue is trust. If someone creates a new currency called the X dollar, how can we trust that they won't give themselves a million X dollars, or steal your X dollars for themselves?…
In 2021, we witnessed the post-pandemic recovery for some economies, especially the U.S. economy. In 2022, this recovery is expected to continue and become more global as Europe and other major economies are forecasting higher GDP growth rates. Global trade resumed in 2021 and is expected to remain strong this year. Bond and credit markets typically reflect macroeconomic conditions. With improving consumer confidence and healthy corporate performance, credit investors will have a wider range of opportunities going forward. In addition,…
Today digital assets are affecting the entire financial market. Will they create opportunities for economic growth? How will financial services industry models change? Is the regulatory structure over financial services prepared for this change? Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey provides a clearer view at current and future expectations for the global financial services industry (FSI). The survey focuses on respondents from the FSI and FSI Pioneers – respondents, whose organisations have already applied blockchain solutions and/or integrated digital assets into…